What's all included in Algebra topic in mathematics for ACET EXAM?
Dear Aspirant,
The "ActuarialCommon Entrance Test" (ACET) is an entrance exam for those who want to join as the members of the Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) and plan to take & qualify in the various actuarial examinations conducted by the Institute of Actuaries India. ACET is conducted twice in a year.After clearing the ACET, a candidate needs to clear a series of 15 papers prescribed by the IAI to be awarded the Fellowship in Actuary (FIAI) to be designated as a Qualified Actuary.
Examination syllabus is as follows:
2. Statistics.
3. English.
5.Data Interpretation.
As per your query - Alebra subject comes under Mathematics.
Question pattern of Alegbra in ACET:
1. Manipulate algebraic expressions involving powers, logs, polynomials and
2. Solve simple equations, including simultaneous equations by rearrangement, substitution, cancellation, expansion and factorisation.
3. Solve an equation that can be expressed as a quadratic equation by factorisation, by “completing the square” or by applying the quadratic formula, and identify which of the roots is appropriate in a particular context.
4. Solve inequalities (“inequations”) in simple cases and understand the concept of a “strict” or “weak” inequality.
5. State and apply the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, and know the conditions under which equality holds.
6.Understand and apply the Σ and Π notation for sums and products, including
sums over sets and repeated sums.
6. Calculate the sum of a series involving finite arithmetic or geometric progressions or non-terminating geometric progressions using the formulaes and be able to determine when a non-terminating geometric series converges. 7.Solve simple first or second order difference equations including applying boundary conditions by inspection or by means of an auxiliary equation.
All the Best!!
Prathamesh Halankar

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