What's the eligibility process for mcat?
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Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) 2017 is a standardised test for admission to medical schools in the USA, Australia, Canada and the Caribbean Islands.
MCAT Eligibility:
Any aspirant who is planning to apply to health professional institutions can take the MCAT 2017. Along with medicine, the following schools are also a part of ‘health professional institutions’:
Podiatric and
Veterinary medicine.
International aspirants do not require ‘special permission’ to register for MCAT 2017 if they have completed MBBS or are pursuing the program.
US medical colleges offer MD degrees. Aspirants are thus required to have an undergraduate degree before applying. Applicants usually complete the following courses before applying to US medical schools:
One year of biology
One year of physics
One year of English
Two years of chemistry (through organic chemistry)
For further you can go through with given below link.
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