When Ailet Mohali merit list realise for BALLB?
The AILET (All India Law Entrance Test) Mohali merit list for BA LLB is typically released within a few weeks after the exam. The exact date varies from year to year.
After the exam, the National Law University (NLU), Mohali, usually releases a tentative answer key, followed by the declaration of results. Subsequently, the university prepares and publishes the merit list based on candidates' performance.
To get an idea of the timeline, consider the following:
Past trends indicate the AILET result is usually declared in June, and the merit list follows shortly after.
For instance, in 2022, the AILET result was announced on June 24, and the provisional merit list was released on July 1.
To stay updated on the merit list release:
Visit the official NLU Mohali website (nlumumbai.edu.in) regularly.
Check for notifications on the AILET website (aillet.nlu.edu.in).
Register for email alerts or follow reputable education portals like Careers360.
Once the merit list is released, candidates can check their rank and proceed with the admission process accordingly.
Hope this helps,
Thank you
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