When and how many times Atma exam is held in a year? And syllabus for this exam? Last date for applying form of 2019 ?
Hi Sameera, ATMA exam is generally conducted four times a year. By in 2018, it was conducted five times and it depends on the conducting body. It is generally conducted in the months of December, Feb, May, June and it was conducted in July as well in 2018. The schedule for this year is,
1) Exam - February 17,2019
Registration - Jan 12 to Feb 12
2) Exam - May 26, 2019
Registration - April 4 to May 15
3) Exam - June 23, 2019
Registration - May 25 to June 20
4) Exam - July 28, 2019
Registration - June 28 to July 24
The total marks of the exam is 180 questions-180 marks divided into 6 sections, like
1) Analytical Reasoning - 1 and 2
2) Verbal Skills - 1 and 2
3) Quantitative skills - 1 and 2
Please refer the below link, for more detailed syllabus on various topics,
Some of the top colleges accepting atma score are,
1) PUMBA, Pune
2) Dr. DY Patil Vidhyapeeth
3) NITTE, Bangalore
4) AIMS, Bangalore
5) Weingkar, Mumbai and Bangalore
Please refer to the below link for more detailed information on top colleges accepting ATMA scores,
Hey sameera , Greetings!!
ATMA exam will be held 4 times in a year .The schedule of ATMA exams 2019 is:
1. ATMA feb 2019- already closed
2. ATMA may 2019- the exam will be held on 26 may 2019 and the registration process will start from 4th april till 15th may 2019
3. ATMA june 2019 -the exam will be held on 23 june 2019 and the registration process will start from 25th may till 20th june 2019
4. ATMA july 2019-the exam will be held on 28 july 2019 and the registration process will start from 28th june till 24th july 2019
So you can apply for ATMA may,june,july exams.
Top colleges accepting ATMA score are:
1. IFIM ,Bangalore
2. PUMBA, Pune
3. Dy Patil ,Pune
4. DSIMS, Mumbai
5. Welingkar ,Mumbai
6. Christ University,
7. IPE,Hyderabad,
8. FIIB New Delhi
Syllabus of ATMA exam contains 3 sections
1. quantitative skills
2. analytical reasoning
3. verbal skills
all the best!!
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