When and how to upload neet 2020 marks in keam site?
Hello student
Kerala government doesn't start mbbs counselling , the neet marks should be submitted when the counseling starts , the dates will be out very soon.
For engineering
The Engineering Rank list 2020 will be prepared by giving equal weightage to
the score obtained in the Engineering Entrance Examination (Paper I & Paper II put
together) and the grade/marks obtained for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in
the Final year of the Qualifying Examination (Plus Two or equivalent). The
candidates who have appeared in the Engineering Entrance Examination 2020 shall
have to submit the marks obtained for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in the
Second year of Plus Two or equivalent Qualifying Examination through the website
www.cee.kerala.gov.in. However, in the case of candidates who have not studied
Chemistry, the marks obtained in Computer Science shall be considered. In the case
of candidates who have not studied Chemistry and Computer Science, the marks
obtained in Biotechnology shall be considered. In the case of candidates who have
not studied Chemistry, Computer Science and Biotechnology, the marks obtained in
Biology shall be considered.
Candidates can enter the home page through ‘KEAM 2020-Candidate Portal’
in the above website by giving their Application Number and Password. Then by
clicking the Menu Item ‘Mark Submission for Engg’, the marks data can be
submitted. The marks thus submitted by the candidate will be processed after
effecting standardization procedure as described in Clause 9.7.4 (b) of the
Prospectus for KEAM 2020 for the preparation of Engineering Rank list. The website
will be open from 03.09.2020 to10.09.2020, 5 pm for online submission of marks.
Applicants who do not submit the marks online will not be considered for the
preparation of Engineering rank list 2020.
The details of Second year marks of candidates available with this office from
the Boards concerned will be displayed while submitting the Board of Examination,
Year of Passing and Register Number of the candidate on the web page. The marks
displayed on the web page must be verified with the original mark sheets and must
be confirmed by the candidate by clicking on ‘Submit Mark Data’ button. They need
not upload the mark list.
If the marks shown in the web page differ from the actual marks given in the
mark list, candidates can edit the marks using ‘Change’ button and can enter the
actual marks of the subjects concerned. Also, if the marks data is not available with
this office from the Boards, the marks obtained by the candidate for the Second
year in the respective subjects should be entered by the candidate. In both the
above cases, confirmation has to be done by such candidates by clicking on ‘Submit
Mark Data’ button and should upload the Plus Two mark sheets (in PDF format)
through the same page, along with submission of mark. The scanned document
uploaded should be complete, readable and without any defects.
Mark Submission Confirmation Report:
After successful submission of the mark data, candidates can take the
printout of ‘Mark Submission Confirmation Report’ and keep it with them for
future reference. Those who have entered the marks in the webpage since board
data was not available with this office or who have edited the marks shown in the
web page can take the printout of the ‘Mark Submission Confirmation Report’ only
after uploading the plus two mark sheet through the link concerned.This
confirmation page and Plus two mark sheet should not be sent to the
Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. The Plus-two mark submitted by the
candidate for the preparation of Engineering rank list and the marks in the original
mark list will be verified at the time of admission.
All candidates who have appeared for the Engineering Entrance Examination
(paper I and paper II) conducted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations on
16.07.2020 can submit the mark data. But only those candidates, who qualify the
Entrance Examination will be included in the Engineering rank list. Those candidates
who figure in the rank list prepared as per clause 9.7.4 and satisfy the eligibility
conditions as per clause 6 of the prospectus will only be eligible for admission.
Help Line Number: 0471 2525300
Hope this will help,
Thank you use this link to know about your college
Candidates can enter the home page through 'KEAM 2020-Candidate Portal' in the above website by giving their Application Number and Password. Then by clicking the Menu Item 'Mark Submission for B. Arch', the marks data can be submitted as per the instructions therein.
Thank you!!
Hope this will help you!!
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