Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
You have tagged CAT examination, so I am assuming that your question is regarding it.
You next CAT examination i. e CAT 2021 examination will be conducted tentatively on 28th November 2021 and the application form is expected to be released in in the first week of August 2021. You can check the same on
To help you further, CAT eligibility criteria and examination pattern is provided below
To be eligible for CAT ,
you need a Bachelor's/graduation degree in any discipline from a recognised university.
you must have got at least 50 per cent marks or equivalent CGPA in your graduation . SC/ST/PH students need only at least 45 percentage in Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline to be eligible .
Candidates who are in the final year of their graduation are also eligible for CAT examination.
There is no age restriction to be eligible
It is not mandatory to have work experience to be eligible
For detailed information go through
IIMs officially don't release cat examination pattern, expected CAT 2021 pattern is provided below:-
-)CAT 2021 will be of 2 hour duration
-)it is conducted in computer-based mode.
-)In cat 2021 , there will be a total of 76 questions - 54 mcqs and 22 non - mcqs
-)The complete paper will be divided into three major sections, which are listed below along with number of questions they have:-
QA i. e quantitative Ability :- it will have 26 questions in total (18 mcqs and 8 non - mcqs)
DILR i. e data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning :- it will have 24 questions (18 mcqs and 6 non - mcqs)
VARC i. e Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension :- it will have 26 questions( 18 mcqs and 8 non - mcqs)
-)There's 40 minutes for each section .
Marking scheme:-
3 marks is awarded for every correct answer
-1 marks for every wrong answer in case of mcqs
no marks deduction is there for wrong answers in case of wrong non -mcqs .
For detailed examination pattern visit :-
Thank you
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