When will the result of ntse stage 1 rajasthan 2019 will be declared?Its february now!!
The result of NTSE Rajasthan was released in the first week of Feb last year. It is expected to release during the same time this year. However, if ever it gets delayed, it must be due to the introduction of changes in the exam pattern from this year. This will take time to calculate the cutoff. To stay updated on the release of NTSE result and cutoff, visit the link below:
Hi student,
BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, AJMER (RAJASTHAN) has released the Official Answer Keys for NTSE 2019 Stage-1 Exam on its Official Website. But the results have not yet been released. Last year in 2018 the results were announced on 28 February,2018. So it is better to wait as some states have released the results and Rajasthan might release results by the end week of February.
Hope it helps
Good luck

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