In bio you go with the 1 st unit that consists of biological classification Nd plantkingdom,plant morphology Nd anatomy,(genetics, molecular biology,plant Nd animal physiologies r considered 2 be most important) to answer. In order 2 do 15 questions fr sure u go wid( ecology(plant Nd animal), biotechnology ,Nd it's applications,applied biology , organic evolution Nd periplaneta) from all da above-mentioned topics u can xpect 70 out f 90 questions for sure so approach dese broad mindedly..... In chemistry (organic chemistry (halo alkane's Nd arenes, aldehyde Nd ketones,amines most important in organic),inorganic chemistry (group 13-17 more important) group 18 u can complete in2 hours in that group u have 2 learn hybridization f xeo4,xeof4,xeof4,xef2,xef6 etc Nd shapes along with preparation conditions like temperature in Kelvin Nd pressure in atmospheres by learning dese simple things in18 th group u can get 4marks in JST 2 hours in physical chem u go for chemical equilibrium, kinetics,acids Nd bases, thermodynamics from all dese above mentioned topics u can xpect 33 questions in XM fr sure.......In physics u go wid modern physics which includes semi conductors , thermodynamics (most important),waves,atomic Nd nuclear physics, mechanics, current Nd static electricity Nd magnetism,most easy chapter to get a question Nd 4 marks in 2 -3hours ZZ alternating currents,optics,from the above mentioned topics u 'll get 35 questions fr sure go wid the list .....Hope this helps......By doing all dese topics 2 perfection I 'll guarantee dat u'll gain 560+ fr sure which means u r in a very safe zone even if u r a UR ....So make a perfect time table, approach every topic in a ri8 manner whatsoever ZZ key 2 success don't waste u'r valuable time which u hav ri8 now dear put every penny 2 work better 2 cover dry topics in college Nd interesting topics at ni8 time so dat u won't be in reach f dat dreadly thing(sleep),Nd go through memory topics a day or two be before XM..... Don't let u'r Lecturers sit down wen u r in da class put den busy teaching in u'r doubts spend some quality time wid u'r Lecturers ....Nd hav a gr8 time....