which are the colleges providing genetic engineering in Kerala?
Hello aspirant
There are five genetic colleges in Kerala
•Calicut University , Calicut
Total fees 1.44 k
•Kerala University, Thiruvanthapuram
Fees 2.56 k
•Central University of Kerala, kasargode
Fees 11.71 k
•Awh special College, Calicut
•AWH college of science , palakkad
here iam listing colleges offering genetic engineering in kerala
1. calicut university
2. kerala university
3.AWH special college , calicut
4. kerala agricultural university , thrissur
5. college of veterinary and animal sciences , wayanad
6. college of agriculture , thiruvanathapuram
7. college of horiculture , thrissur
8. college of agriculture ,padannakkad
9. college of veterinary and animal sciences , mannuthy
10. SCMS school of technology and management ,cochin
good luck!