which branch is best in b.sc degree to get job in bank,civils, groups
In majority of exams like UPSC, state PSCs, SSC CGL or CPO, banking exams of Clerk/PO for SBI/RRB/IBPS, Insurance Exams for the post of Assistant/AAO in LIC, GIC, NIACL etc require only graduation in any discipline from a recognized university, there is no minimum aggregate required in this case, however aggregate differs in case you want to appear for NABARD Grade B Officer or RBI Assistant where 50% aggregate is required in graduation and in case you want to appear for RBI Grade B Officer 60% aggregate is necessary at 10th, 12th and graduation level, apart from these there are many stream-specific exams such as IES by UPSC is conducted for engineering graduates, Indian Economics Services which has eligibility criteria of post graduation in economics or allied field, even in banking sector we have Specialists Officers Category pertaining to various disciplines like IT, Marketing, Language, Law etc.