Which bsc courses are best for Bipc students
Dear Trivani,
You can persue a B Sc Degree in a number of stream. Firstly you need to decide wheter you wanna go for a plain BSc course or an Honours program .
For a Plain BSc course you would study 3 Subjects of Scuience, where as for an honours course you would study only the topics of the subjest that you have opted along with some electives.
EG If you are going for PHY (Hons) the you would study optics, mechanics ,quatam mechanics , electricity and magnetism and other physics topics along with some electives.
As for the cource you can do a Bsc /Bsc (hons) in
1 Physics
2 Chemistry
3 Biotech
4 Nursing
5 Agriculture
6 Bioligy
these are the best options that you can choose from in the end all that matter is you interest and what you cant to become in near future .
All the best