which city to go in England to pursue my master's in clinical psychology which one i should go for ?
Answer (1)
You can go for the following universities in europe
- University College London- london, england
- Durham University- durham, UK
- Cardiff University,cardiff, wales
- University of Buckingham, buckingham england
- Loughborough University, loughborough, england
- Nottingham Trent University, nottingham, england
- Kings college,london
- University of manchester, manchester, england
- The best city would be manchester which is second most affordable city UK cost of living comes around US$1,137 per month,
- Second would be Nottingham, with an average total weekly spend of approximately US$235 (about US$940 monthly for university of nottingham only)
- Then london With a single persons monthly cost of living averaging US$1,005 without rent London is home to 17 internationally ranked universities, with its highest-ranked institution

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