which collage is best for mba in gorakhpur,which offers good placement
Daer Student,
The following are the top MBA Colleges in Gorakhpur particularly in terms of placement:
- Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology (MMMUT)
- Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University (DDU)
-Indian Institute of Engineerring and Information Technology (IIEIT)
- Institute of Technology and Management (ITM)
- KIPM College of Management
I would suggest to visit the respective Websites get detailed information them.
Thank You
NIs Academy
Deen dayal upadhyay University
Madan noham malviya University
ITM Gorakhpur
IIET Girakhpur.
- https://bschool.careers360.com/colleges/list-of-mba-colleges-in-gorakhpur