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Don't Miss: CMAT 2025: Scores, percentile, and list of BSchools accepting 50 to 90+ percentile
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Based on your CMAT score and percentile , you can apply to the following colleges :
1- IMT , Nagpur - Cut Off 80 percentile
2- Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad - Cut off 60 percentile
3- XIME , Bangalore - Cut off 75 percentile
4- Alliance school of business, Bangalore - Cut off 80 percentile
5- Christ College, Bangalore- Cut off 70 percentile
6- KSOM,Bhubaneswar
7- ITM, Mumbai
8- JIMS Rohini Delhi
9- Sies College of Management Studies, Mumbai
10- New Delhi Insititute of Management
You can see a few more colleges on the mentioned link:
Good Luck!
Hi Apoorva, basically the cutoff varies every year based on lot of factors like difficulty of exams, number of test takers, number of seats available etc. However going by the past records, some of the colleges that can be obtained are,
1) Asia Pacific Institute of Management,New Delhi
2) Jaipuria Institute, Noida
3) IFIM Business School, Bangalore
4) Welingkar, Mumbai
5) IPE, Hyderabad
You can make use of our pathfinder to get more detailed knowledge of more colleges,
Know your college admission chances based on your academic profile, CMAT score, and CMAT percentile by using CMAT 2025 College Predictor.
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