which college I can get with rank 9873 in oc for cse,it,ece
By going through your profile, I got to know that you are most probably a native of Telengana. So I suppose you have mentioned your TS-EAMCET rank in the question(let me know if I'm wrong). I will help you with your query.
With this rank, you may have good chances to get these government colleges for your desired branches:-
University College of Engineering, Kakatiya University, Kothagudem (B.Tech CSE , ECE and IT)- last year closing rank for CSE was 17,140; for ECE was 32,247 and for IT was 39,091.
JNTUH College of Engineering, Karimnagar (B.Tech IT)- last year closing rank for IT branch was 10,008.
JNTUH College of Engineering, Sultanpur (B.Tech ECE)- last year closing rank for ECE branch was 10,243)
JNTUH College of Engineering, Manthani (B.Tech CSE)- last year closing cutoff rank for CSE branch was 12,214.
Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda (B.Tech CSE and ECE)- last year closing rank for CSE branch was 30,981 and for ECE branch was 36,094.
If you want to check your chances in other branches in different colleges, then you can use the college predictor link below:-
All the best!