Which college is better between RKGBIT, Ghaziabad and GL Bajaj, Noida for btech ECE?
Comparison between two Colleges can be done based on several factors. You need to mention on which factor you need to compare between these two Institutions. Whatever on the basis of Academics and infrastructure RKGBIT is moderately good. It provides decent facilities of laboratories and everything. Faculties are excellent here. In term of Infrastructure and facilities GL Bajaj is almost similar to RKGBIT. But RKGBIT is older Institution than GL Bajaj. The most important thing in term of college comparison is placement and in term of this RKGBIT has a decent performance. Not more than 6-7 companies visits the campus for campus drive in every year and provides a very much decent package. Almost every students need to go for off campus or pool campus. In term of placement GL Bajaj is quite advanced and provides excellent placement opportunities, almost 75% students get placement every year and some of the well known companies like TCS,igate,wipro,dell,zycus,infogain etc visits campus often. Whatever in term of placement GL BAJAJ is undoubtedly better than RKGBIT.
Hope it would be helpful.