which college is better st.Xavier Mumbai or Kolkata for BA?
Both the colleges are good but if you want to compare the college ranking wise. Then obviously St. Xavier's College Kolkata comes before St Xavier's College Mumbai. Because St. Xaviers College (Autonomous) Kolkata, has secured 7th Rank in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020.
You can decide which College you want to choose.
All the best.
Both the colleges are good but due to some points St Xavier's mumbai is better than st xaviers kolkata. St Xavier's mumbai has good opportunities and courses. It has good infrastructure, Education and faculty. Also the ranking of Mumbai also is good. It has top most autonomous college in Mumbai.
see both of the college is excellent in terms of infrastructure, faculty, quality of education, students extra curricular activities etc, however I would make st xaviours mumbai ahead of st xaviours kolkata because of its academic and extra curricular activities. also st xaviours mumbai is affiliated by Mumbai university, where st xaviours kolkata is affiliated by calcutta university. so on the curriculum of education and updating syllabus Mumbai university is best. however the cost of living in mumbai is high compare to kolkata.