which college is good for bcom program Atmaram sanatan dharam college or Kamla Nehru College Delhi?
By comparing both the colleges the ranking for Atmaram sanatan Dharam College is 12th and for Kamla Nehru College it's 33 by NIRF.
Both are government colleges Government college.
The cut off for Atmaram Sanatan is 98% for general category. For other categories it is above 90.
For Kamla Nehru the cutoff for previous year is above 89.
Both the colleges has good placement.
Atmaram college has a NSS unit. Kamla Nehru is a all women college.
As per my research Atmaram Sanatan College is best college according to ratings, ranks, scholarship provided, infrastructure.
Each college has its own advantages and disadvantages go through the official websites of both.
Hope this helps.. Best luck for your future!!
Hello Aspirant,
Here are a few details about Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College and Kamala Nehru College for B.Com (//B.Com) course
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College:
- It has a NAAC grade of A and a NIRF ranking on 12
- It was established in 1959 and has a campus of 13 Acres
- The total student intake is 1611 and the total faculty are 192
- The average salary package for B.Com (//B.Com) is 3 lakhs.
- The course fees is around Rs. 28,000.
- It provides facilities like Hostels, Gym, Cafeteria, Sports ground, Library including medical facilities.
- This college is rated 4.0/5 as per alumni reviews
Kamala Nehru College
- It has a NAAC grade of A and a NIRF ranking of 33
- It was established in 1964 and has a campus of 10 Acres
- Campus consists of around 869 students and 90 faculty
- The average salary package for B.Com (//B.Com) is 4 lakhs.
- The course fees is around Rs. 33,000.
- It provides facilities like Gym, Cafeteria, Sports ground and Library
- This college is rated 4.3/5 based on reviews given by alumni
Based on the above details, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College has a higher NIRF ranking, however there are many other details about these colleges that you could take into consideration. You can click on the link below to find more details about these 2 colleges and the courses they offer:
Thank you.