Which college is good for Mba PSGIM or Amrita Coimbatore?
Hey Ashwin,
Both colleges are good, but according to me Amrita University is better in MBA than in PSGIM. Amrita University has more experience than PSGIM which means a lot of experienced professors are present in Amrita University than in PSGIM. Placement opportunities are higher in Amrita University.
PSGIM offers MBA which are also dual degrees due to tie ups with foreign universities but students going abroad to spend one semester there is very few. Only those who have money and wish to gain an experience do it, so that they can return back to India and implement them in the factories run by their fathers or forefathers. Amrita has been taking in students who attempt CAT exam whereas PSG accepts students who write MAT and TANCET.
Hope this helped,
All The Best.

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