which college of LLB course in telugu in the warangal
Top colleges offering LLB in Telengana are :
- NLU Hyderabad - Nalsar University of Law
- Osmania University
- University College of Law, Osmania University
- Padala Rama Reddi Law College
- Vijetha Academy
- Bhaskar Law College
- Kakatiya University
- NIIT Imperia, Hyderabad
- ICFAI Law School
- Mahatma Gandhi Law College
You can refer to this link for more information.
Some Colleges in Warangal are :
- Adarsha Law College
- Kakatiya University
- Kakatiya University, School Of Distance Learning And Continuing Education
- Manair College of Law
- NALSAR University of Law
Hope this helps!!