which colleges to fill first in mp dte councelling
The answer to this question actually depends on you and what feel would be good colleges for you,for example-
1)If you prefer colleges who are old and have been established since long you can research such colleges and fill them first.
2)If you prefer grading or ranking of colleges you can fill colleges with good ranking higher.
3)If you prefer colleges which offer top placements you can fill the top colleges from all over mp first.
4)If you prefer colleges which are nearer to where you live you can fill them first
5)If you prefer colleges with good infrastructure you can put private or semi-government colleges first and then government colleges.
6)Some colleges have better facilities for computer branch whereas some have better facilities for electrical branch.So choosing colleges based on what branch you want and which college offers good facilities for the branch you want can also be of high priority.
According to me IET DAVV, Indore ; SGSITS, Indore ;JEC, Jabalpur ;MITS, Gwalior are some good colleges overall but in the end it depends on your preferences.
All the best!