Which courses are better for B.SC-anthropology or microbiology
Hope you are well
Well, you need to ask the question to yourself.
Every subject has its own good scope and growth.
You should choose the subject you like the most.
Anthropology is a research field. India has very less number of jobs in this field. Opt for it if you are interested in further studies , and research .
According to me microbiology is better as after graduation ,you have many choices like in Pharma, hospitals etc
But remember decision should completely be yours.
Choose according to your interest.
Hope this helps.
Thankyou and goodluck.
Hi Pinki,
These courses are from entirely different background and comparison is not feasible. Now it depends upon your passion which field you want to opt for. Both the field have great job prospects in present and future.
Thank you and best of luck.