which degree course is best for future bsc or bba or b. com
Answer (1)
Bsc is a science based course whereas bba and bcom are more related to commerce students. Doing a regular bsc is of no help you have to continue your studies to msc or even to phd to get a good job.
But if you are looking for job after graduation then go for bba as many companies hires bba graduates at a very good salary. At last any degree is a good degree if you have done it from the top institute so try to focus on that because at the end only placement matters .
Hope it helps...
Bsc is a science based course whereas bba and bcom are more related to commerce students. Doing a regular bsc is of no help you have to continue your studies to msc or even to phd to get a good job.
But if you are looking for job after graduation then go for bba as many companies hires bba graduates at a very good salary. At last any degree is a good degree if you have done it from the top institute so try to focus on that because at the end only placement matters .
Hope it helps...
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