which has more weightage 11th or 12th in jee mains?
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Most of the chapters of 12th are continuation of syllabus in 11th.
So you must concentrate on making good short notes of imp. topics of std. 11th to take care of in std. 12th.
As both are important but comparatively 12th carries more weightage as you can check the subject wise weightage below as well-
Chemistry - General Organic Chemistry 9% Alcohol Phenol Ether 7% Redox reactions 6% Chemical Bonding 5% Coordination Compound 5% P-Block Elements 5% S-Block Elements 5% Aldehyde Ketone 5% Solutions 5% Solid State 5% Chemical Thermodynamics 5% Ionic Equilibrium 3% Chemical Equilibrium 3% Surface Chemistry 3% Atomic Structure 2% Gaseous State 2% Transition Elements 2% Polymers 2% Nuclear Chemistry 2% Chemical Kinetics 2% Mole Concepts 2% Amines and Diazonium Salts 2% Biomolecules 2% Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes 2% Electrochemistry 2%
Maths - Inverse Trigonometric Functions Weightage: 2% Circles and Family of Circles Weightage: 6% Sequence and Series Weightage: 5% Applications of Derivative Weightage: 4% Limit and Continuity Weightage: 3% Matrices and Determinants Weightage: 4% Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines Weightage: 2% 3-D Geometry Weightage: 5% Probability and Statistics Weightage: 7% Vector Algebra Weightage: 5% Integration Weightage: 8% (Definite + Indefinite integration) Complex Numbers Weightage: 5% Parabola Weightage: 3% Trigonometric Ratios Weightage: 3% Logarithms Weightage: 1% Quadratic Equations Theory of Equations Weightage: 5% Sets, Relations and Functions Weightage: 4% Differentiation 2% Permutation and Combination Weightage: 2%. You should study this properly as concepts from this section will be needed in Probabilty Binomial Theorem Weightage: 1% Locus Hyperbola Weightage: 2% Ellipse Weightage: 2% Fundamentals of Mathematics Solution of Triangle 1%
Physics - Units and Dimensions Weightage: 2% Measurement of Errors Weightage: 2% Vectors Kinematics Weightage: 1% Newtons Laws of Motion Weightage: 4% Friction Work, Energy and Power Weightage: 5% Electrostatics Weightage: 6% Current Electricity Weightage: 7% Wave Optics Weightage: 5% Ray Optics Weightage: 6% Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision Weightage: 5% Rotational Dynamics Weightage: 4% Simple Harmonic Motion Weightage: 5% Fluid Mechanics Weightage: 2 5%. Wave Motion and String Waves Weightage: 5% Magnetism Weightage: 6% Heat & Thermodynamics Weightage: 6%.Nuclear Physics Weightage: 5% Modern Physics Weightage: 5%, Circular Motion Weightage: 1% Gravitation Weightage: 1% Properties of Matter, Elasticity Weightage: 2% Sound Waves Electromagnetic Induction Weightage: 3% Alternating Current Weightage: 1% Semiconductors and Electronic Devices 5%.
Hope this helps!!!!
12th class has more weightage in JEE Main exam. Generally, it has 40:60 ratio. 40% for 11th class and 60% for 12th class.
Below are the important chapters for JEE exam-
Electricity and magnetism
Thermal physics
Fluids and waves and sound
Potentiometer-related experiments
Modern physics
Physical Chemistry
Mole Concept
Atomic Structure
Organic Chemistry
General Organic Chemistry
Named Reactions
Organic Synthesis:
Inorganic Chemistry
Co-ordinate Geometry
Vectors (and 3D Geometry)
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