Which I have to choose between, chirst law school bangalore and TNNLU..?
hello naveen kumar,
chirst law school is really good choice to start your career.you'll be provided with high quality of education and campus,if you get into it.there'll some strict rules and regulations followed by the university and the attendance is very strict.the faculty with great experience and background will teach you there,you can explore all things about your career.the placement-wise there is great options for you.the placement cell of this institute is succesully run by the students with the immense guidance of professors.you may come across some unfortunate things,but do your duty in the proper way then you'll feel that how blessed you are.so,it is good choice.
TAMIL NADU NLU is also good institute.you'll feel free of pressure and freedom and it is better than other NLU's.good infrastructure and faculty members,friendly seniors...but i will suggest you for chirst law school banglore,because of placements only.
this is my suggestion only,the final decision is upto you.think and decide...:D
all the best!
I Hope this information will be useful to you.
if you need additional information,let us know to help you.
Thank you!!!:)