Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Not a single IIM considers just your CAT Percentile & Academic Score & ignores GD/PI. Admission Criteria for each IIM is different but each IIMs conducts GD & PI for Admission.
To know Admission Criteria of each IIM, Click below link-
All the best.
Hi Ashutosh,
All IIMs conduct GD-PI selection rounds before offering the final admission. Even the past academic records and work experience are also considered before releasing the final merit list. The weightage to CAT score may change from IIM to IIM but other selection rounds i.e WAT, GD and PI will be conducted. To know more about the CAT selection procedure, visit the link below:
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CAT Selection Procedure
Hope the information is helpful. All the best.
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