which is best Btech Food technology or Bsc Neurophysiology technology. which has highest salary and scope?
Graduates in this field can also try for jobs in laboratories where the quality of food products are tested. Many private sector organizations recruit graduates in B. Tech food technology . Companies like Amul, Cadbury, Britannia, Nestle etc recruit professionals in food technology .
Food Technologist--3,08,368
Quality Manager -- 4,66,860
Nutritional Therapist -- 2,40,060
like these it average starting salary is around 4-5 LPA
Clinical physiologists ( neurophysiology ) work closely with patients of all ages to investigate the function of the nervous system to diagnose and monitor neurological disorders, including epilepsy, strokes, dementia, nerve and muscle dysfunction and multiple sclerosis and it average starting salary is around 6-8 LPA