Which is better automobile engineering or mechanical engineering?
It totally depends upon your interest and skills though automobile engineering is good in terms of pplacements amd and opportunities. Automobile sector is blooming now a days and so if you have good college you will obviously get good opportunities.
Check out this link for colleges for Automobile engineering
Mechanical engineering programmes comprise of core mechanical subjects. This engineering branch deals with the basic theories related to mechanical devices.
On the other hand, automotive engineering focuses its attention on vehicle design. It is a sub branch of mechanical engineering.
The starting salary of automobile engineer are higher than mechanical engineers. But the job prospects for mechanical engineers are much higher.
In automobile engineering, you will learn about vehicle dynamics, vehicle kinematics, IC engines, etc which are more Automobile oriented. But in mechanical engineering, you will be more focussed on core concepts resulting in more wider career prospects.
For a list of automobile engineering colleges in India please visit this link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://engineering.careers360.com/colleges/list-of-automobile-engineering-colleges-in-india&ved=2ahUKEwj9i460y9HqAhX563MBHRETAjMQFjABegQIEhAH&usg=AOvVaw3vyv23QpXQfkMCj1GQqjsA
Hope it helps