which is better BIT Patna or BIT deoghar?
BIT Deoghar is much better than BIT Patna and Jaipur
Reason being:
1. Since Deoghar is a smaller city not yet well connected with Road and Air Students and parents are not much interested to take admission here.
2. The last two year Training and placement has been phenomenol 90% and above with multiple jobs maximum and min. range of the CTC being 4.5 Lacs to 13 Lacs.
3. Inpite of the students coming here having less ranks, they had been been topping in most of the branches, please visit the sites or contact the examination centre for details
4. The teacher here are dedicated to bring best of the mediocre but smart students
5. The future of Deoghar will be very good as an international airport facilities,AIMS, Industrial hub, plastic manufacturing park & Milk production hub of jharkhand state has been planned and work started. The airport is ready for operations, the AIMS Deoghar will have the first batch in 2019 and much more like natinal highway connection is done 6 lane highways in progress..
6. The infrastructure of the college is being changed, New building, ED Cell, Innovation lab etc has been opened
7. Apart from a pilgrim centre of the country, this would be a Bollywood cinema destination of Jharkhand after Ranchi ( Two Films already been made here)
Hence BIT Deoghar is no less than any other BIT Centres in comparison

2.Bit Jaipur
3.bit deoghr
What is your Jee main rank?

U can check spot Counsealing seats for these both colleges.
Bit Patna has only few seats left for spot round. But bit deoghr has 50 percent seats vacent for spot round.