which is better b.n.m , cmr or sjbit for cse .plz tell?
SJBIT, CMR has AAA rating in the field of Engineering while BNMIT has AAA+ rating in engineering. For CSE, BNMIT is better than both of these even in placement ranking as BNMIT has 77% placement in the CSE field which is the highest if compared to other branches. In SJBIT and CMR, information technology has more placement opportunities. So, BNMIT can be preferred for CSE over SJBIT and CMR.
Read about these Institutes here:
SJBIT: https://www.careers360.com/colleges/sjb-institute-of-technology-bangalore
CMR: https://www.careers360.com/university/cmr-university-bangalore
BNMIT: https://www.careers360.com/colleges/bnm-institute-of-technology-bangalore
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