Which is better Btech Mechanical engineering at VIT Vellore or Btech Mechanical engineering at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Coimbatore?
First of all, both the colleges are well known and established. So choosing which is better for you depends on your personal preference.
Total fees for B. Tech Mechanical Engineering in VIT Vellore is 7.80 lakhs whereas the fees in Amrita is 12 lakhs.
Talking about placements in 2021, Average package offered at VIT was 6.5 lakhs and Average package at Amrita was 4.45 lakhs.
Amrita has a higher All India ranking than VIT. Both the colleges have facilities like Boys and Girls hostel, gym, cafeteria, Hospital/ Medical services and more.
There are other factors as well that you might consider like the distance of the College from your house(if you're staying in the same city/state).
My suggestion is going with VIT Vellore as you might get lot of exposure.
Hope this helps.