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Hello Ankit!
The quality of education in T.I.M.E largely depends on the city in which you got admitted in the T.I.M. E . Not all faculty are well versed and experienced trainers there. However, in Bjyu, you have excellent instructor and can have an amazing learning experience.
Coming to study materials, both are good. Study material should not be much of a problem as if you feel it is insufficient, you have plenty of materials available online. The mock test of Bjyu is infact competitive and can help you improve a lot.
Compared to T.I.M.E i would recommend you Bjyu's as it is more worth and better.
All the best!
Hello Ankit Sanwaria , From some research on internet I found that both the things or classes are good but one thing which differentiate both is there faculty because TIME faculty is good in some good cites but not in all cites so if you are not from Bangalore, Hyderabad and New Delhi then go for Byju classes.
Hope it will be helpful for you :)
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
Hello applicant
*Now in this situation, it is better to take classes online rather than going outside. CAT online coaching is on a definite rise. There are numerous coaching classes in the online market. Some of them are really good like HitBullsEye, Career Launcher, Exam Bazaar etc. One of the best online preparation portal is 2IIM which offers comprehensive online classes and regular guidance and motivation.
*While coming to the topic I recommend T.I.M.E is the better for CAT preparations.
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