Which is better MBA or PGDM ?
Top BSchool provide PGDM Course rather than MBA.
Also IIMs, though being the best of the lot, can't offer MBAs as they are not affiliated with any university. Institutes which are not affiliated to university are autonomous and can offer PGDM(Post Graduate Diploma in Management) degree. However, these programmes are approved by regulatory bodies such as AICTE.
Azim Musa Shaikh

MBA is called Master in Business Administration is a professional degree course offered by the colleges affiliated to the universities. So, only universities can offer MBA programmes.
PGDM is A Post Graduate Diploma in Management is a diploma course offered by the institutes that are recognised by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and which are autonomous and not affiliated to any university.
Student who pursue MBA studies theoretical aspects of management. An MBA institute follows a fixed curriculum based on the university guidelines.
Student who pursue a PGDM course gains knowledge regarding gaining of skills and the programme is more oriented for organisation and industries.An autonomous institute does not have to follow university standards, so it is free to change its curriculum according to industry standards and change in the business environment.Its dynamic and flexible im terms of course.
I hope this helps.
MBA is much better however both are equivalent.
MBA is nore accepted across top Universities avraod for Phd and Other higher courses.
PGDM however is less acceptable but has well defined industries oriented syllabus.
Overall taking all parameters both are equivalent but MBA will definitely have an edge.