which is better mechanical or chemical
Depends what you are looking for. Mech Eng is a specialization, ChmEng is a much broader discipline encompassing many disciplines including MechEng. ChemEng pays better and has many more opportunities than MechEng, however, if you are mechanical minded better to pursue that discipline. Many ChemEngs , as a result of their exposure to a wider perspective of their jobs tend to be good candidates for management roles.
A career with a broader perspective typically tends to be more rewarding as the learning curve never flattens out. However, specialization is a better choice for many and both disciplines offer opportunities there.
Good luck.
It all depends upon your passion and interest for a perticular field.
Both branch is good, But compare to Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering has good opportunities.
Mechanical Engineering have wider scope and job opportunities in various industries. while Chemical Engineerings have upper edge in the oil refineries sector.
Good Luck!