which is better msc in cebs mumbai or mbbs
Answers (2)
Dear Abdul, M.Sc is a Master's degree and MBBS is a Bachelor's degree and we cannot derive comparision between both because the fields are completely apples and oranges. M.Sc in CEBS is for Basic Sciences. MBBS is a professional Medical course. M.Sc is pursued after a Bachelor's degree while MBBS is pursued for 5 and 1/2 years including 1 year internship at a Bachelor's level. The reach of both these courses is different. MBBS deals with treatment of human beings and prevention of diseases while M.Sc is a scientific approach towards a certain branch of life science.

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Depends on how passionate you are about medicine as a career. Sit down and think, really think what you want from life.
Why do you want to become a doctor?
If is to serve the people, remember even public service offers you that opportunity, as a business owner also you serve the people satisfy their needs. What is it about medicine that you are interested in?
What is your final goal, eventual aim in life?
If it is make money or acceptance in society there are other ways to go about it and medicine is probably the toughest route to choose to get their.
Can you get to whatever your life goal is without doing medicine. You are not a confused 17 year old plus two student anymore. You have done 2 years of Bsc, exposed to the world more, seen and experienced many more things in the adult world.
So it is time to either sit by yourself or with a trusted mentor and analyze what you want from life.
IF you say medicine, then what? What is your next step and why?
Medicine sucks the life out of you before you get the degree and that is how it should be because life and death are in the hands of doctors and they have a duty to protect every life. It is not for the casual or faint hearted.
So think hard and take your time before you take the next step. If you would like to pursue research there is JAM for Bsc final year students to get into premier research institutes and pursue cutting edge research.
If you want to get into industry there are options and opening for that too. Research your field of interest, find out who are the top experts in that field and interact with them, talk to them, email them and find out how they got where they got.
There are literally hundreds of unexplored fields in our country which lack talented people simply because everyone is fixated on IIT/ medicine or going abroad. Those who get into these unexplored fields do so by accident rarely by design. Imagine if you got into your dream field how much you can achieve.
The days of one career and one job are long over. The modern world is one of multiple careers and a variety of jobs and experiences. Open your eyes and see around you. Talk to your seniors and find out where the most successful of them are now.
I am not discouraging you from medicine rather I am opening your eyes to the world of possibilities out there.
Choose one that you are really interested in. not something you think others will approve of or you think will be good because others are doing it. Remember whatever career you choose ultimately it is you who you will decide whether you will be a success in or not. It is in your hands only. The world owes you nothing.
I hope it will help you
Good luck.....
Depends on how passionate you are about medicine as a career. Sit down and think, really think what you want from life.
Why do you want to become a doctor?
If is to serve the people, remember even public service offers you that opportunity, as a business owner also you serve the people satisfy their needs. What is it about medicine that you are interested in?
What is your final goal, eventual aim in life?
If it is make money or acceptance in society there are other ways to go about it and medicine is probably the toughest route to choose to get their.
Can you get to whatever your life goal is without doing medicine. You are not a confused 17 year old plus two student anymore. You have done 2 years of Bsc, exposed to the world more, seen and experienced many more things in the adult world.
So it is time to either sit by yourself or with a trusted mentor and analyze what you want from life.
IF you say medicine, then what? What is your next step and why?
Medicine sucks the life out of you before you get the degree and that is how it should be because life and death are in the hands of doctors and they have a duty to protect every life. It is not for the casual or faint hearted.
So think hard and take your time before you take the next step. If you would like to pursue research there is JAM for Bsc final year students to get into premier research institutes and pursue cutting edge research.
If you want to get into industry there are options and opening for that too. Research your field of interest, find out who are the top experts in that field and interact with them, talk to them, email them and find out how they got where they got.
There are literally hundreds of unexplored fields in our country which lack talented people simply because everyone is fixated on IIT/ medicine or going abroad. Those who get into these unexplored fields do so by accident rarely by design. Imagine if you got into your dream field how much you can achieve.
The days of one career and one job are long over. The modern world is one of multiple careers and a variety of jobs and experiences. Open your eyes and see around you. Talk to your seniors and find out where the most successful of them are now.
I am not discouraging you from medicine rather I am opening your eyes to the world of possibilities out there.
Choose one that you are really interested in. not something you think others will approve of or you think will be good because others are doing it. Remember whatever career you choose ultimately it is you who you will decide whether you will be a success in or not. It is in your hands only. The world owes you nothing.
I hope it will help you
Good luck.....
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