Which is good "mechanical in nit warangal Or cse in vasavi engineering college, hyd".
According to my opinion,joining NIT Warangal,Mechanical will be a better option than going for CSE in Vasavi engineering college.
See the NIT tag matters at some point of time.
NIT Warangal is one of the top 5 NIT's of India,so if you are getting Mech so you can join it.
You can also upgrade it the next year(if possible) and if not then also you will not regret your decision.
But i also want to say that if you are keeping CS as your topmost priority then join CSE.
I have seen many people leaving IIT's for the sake of joining CSE/IT at other colleges( Those just below CSE at IIT's).
So now decision is your's.
This was my opinion,because no one can stand infront of your interest.
Thank You!
Best Wishes!
If any queries,feel free to ask.
Shikhar Singh Chauhan

hi sreeshanth,
Don't worry about placements too much. If you are really passionate at a particular subject then nobody will stop you from getting placed with good package.
Coming to metallurgical engineering in NITW .It seems that you are interested in it but worried about placements. Although placements of this branch is low especially in core but if you believe that you get this subject both practically and theoretically very well then you will be placed with good package.there is also a chance of branch change by getting good grade in first year. If you think that softwarefield will be good in placements then you can learn computer Languages online .many students are following this method and getting software jobs irrespective of their branches.
In Reality,most of software companies except( Microsoft,facebook etc) offer software job irrespective to the branches.they need is coding skills.
Coming to CSE in vasavi engg college - It is very good option for computer science aspirants.If you want only software skills go for it. If you are not aware of coding don't worry,you will be knowing after getting into college. You need to do more hard and smart work in this branch since competition is very high .
I have given my personal opinion.
The next is up to you. See what you want and take decisions. Take help of your teachers and parents in making decisions.
Thank you.
I just wanted to tell you,nothing else.
Thank You!
Coz the info spread on this platform should be accurate.