Which is the Best book for CAT prepration??
Hi Reet,
CAT exam has 3 major sections Verbal ability & reading comprehension(VARC), Logival reasoning & Data interpretation(DILR), Quantitative ability(QA) respectivelly. Here are some best reference material for CAT exam.
How to preapre for the verbal ability and reading comprehension for CAT exam by Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay (Tata McGraw-Hill).
Norman Lewis' word power made easy.
GMAT official guide, IMS RC100
Also regular reading og newspapers like The Economists, Times Of India, Thr Hindu, Livemint specially editorials, journals, novels.
How to prepare for Logical reasoning for the CAT exam by Arun Sharma(Tata McGraw-Hill)
How to prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT exam by Arun Sharma(Tata McGraw-Hill)
The great book of Puzzles and Teasers by George J Summers
' Puzzle to Puzzle you ' by Shakuntala Devi
3. QA
How to prepare for Quantitative ability for the CAT exam by Arun Sharma(Tata McGraw-Hill)
Quantitative Aptitude for competetative examination by Abhijit Guha(Tata McGraw -Hill) has a comprensive step by step solved solution.
Arun Sharma's complete CAT Digest by Tata McGraw Hill is must have for CAT aspirant.
For more books and reference material please follow below link :
Hope you get complete reference material.
Half of the burden is already gone by yr ans.
Thanks one's again!
Have a nice day.... :)
CAT Books For Quantitative Ability:
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma.
Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma.
Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal.
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha
Verbal Ability Books For CAT:
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension For The CAT by Nishit Sinha
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
High School Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension by Ajay Singh
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Books For CAT:
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S. Agarwal
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT book by Arun Sharma
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT book by Arun Sharma
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha
Another CAT Preparation material or book to be considered is Previous Years’ Solved CAT Paper
This ensures that you are familiar with the kind of questions that are asked in CAT providing you an edge. They can be taken as mocks and the analysis of the same can provide you with great insights for your preparation
M really really thankful for this elaborate answer and explanation....
Have a nice day ahead........ :)
hi reet!!
for your cat preparation,the best set of books available and suitable are ARUN SHARMA'S books for QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE,VERBAL REASONING,LOGICAL REASONING AND DATA INTERPRETATION.
For quant LR and DI you need to pratice them regularly and for verbal along with arun sharma book,its better you read newspaper and editorials daily without fail.
in the books you have concepts explained,solved examples and exercises are from beginners to advanced levels.
you find level1,level2,level3 type differentiated exercises there which will help yo in your preparation.
all the best Reet!!
Hi Reet,
Ideally there is no one stop solution! CAT has 3 main areas as of now VARC, DILR, QA
I would recommend that you understand the basics from books of any coaching centre or recommended authors like those of Arun Sharma, Nishit Sinha, Sarvesh K Verma. This would give you conceptual clarity.
As the next step once basic concepts are understood refer to specific topics and methods to work out. I would recommend that you go through below set for this:
M K PANDEY Analytical Reasoning [highly recommended]
RS Agarwal Verbal & Nonverbal Reasoning
Manhattan The Reading Comprehension Guide
Manhattan Critical Reasoning [highly recommended]
Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction [highly recommended]
P.C.Wren and H.Martin High School English Grammar
For vocabulary: Go through daily editorials of The Hindu, read The Economist, Guardian, Livemint.
Further you can start with most frequent words in gre (check on internet/mobile apps)
And end with Norman Lewis - Word Power Made Easy
Regarding DI, I would say you any book by authors publishing for CAT would do or you can refer to IBPS/SBI PO DI sets but the best would be to practise based on previous CAT papers.
For Quant most authors give exercises of varying difficulty levels at the end of the chapters. Sarvesh K Verma's Quantum CAT has a few previous CAT papers worked out and also paper analysis in addition. [PS. I am not sure what all other author's publications have in value addition].
For specific clarity you can refer online sources to study. There are lots of free ones on almost all topics!. Keep taking mocks after finishing basic concepts!
Hope I was able to add some value. Good luck!
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