Which is the Best book for NEET EXAM
At this point in time, it will be NCERT. This is because the MHRD did announce that NEET 2021 will be conducted with reduced and revised syllabus. But the official syllabus haven't been released yet. So the authors or best books will have all those topics that have been there all this while. But the truth is that you neednt study all those topics. The revised 12th syllabus can be checked at: http://cbseacademic.nic.in/revisedcurriculum_2021.html and more or less, NEET 2021 will be conducted on these topics and what other books other than NCERT to have updated syllabus? And if you are planning on appearing for NEET 2021, you can also try our NEET Knockout plan: https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-neet-may/
The best bookswhich you can go for neet examination are listed below Subjectwise :-
*NCERT Physics textbooks for Class XI and XII
* Mtg NCERT at your fingertips for physics
*Objective Physics for neet By DC Pandey :-it has MCQs and numericals as per Neet examination pattern and level
*NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class XI and XII:- Ncert chemistry is really good for Neet,go through all the solved examples, intext questions and exercise questions
*Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon:- Best for practising and mastering numericals in physical chemistry
*MS Chauhan (Organic) :- It is a great book to clear all your concepts regarding reactions in organic,their mechanism etc
*NCERT Biology Class XI and Class XII"- Master it as around 95 % questions in neet biology are based on ncert .
*NCERT at your fingertips by mtg:- best for practicing MCQs for your neet
*Trueman biology:- good for understanding topics which are difficult to understand from NCERT
Also go through Neet Previous year chapter wise book by Arihant for each of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and once you are done with the complete syllabus go through mock test paper.
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