Which is the best college to do MBA SRM Easwari or Rajalakshmi?
Answer (1)
Rajalakshmi colkeges is decent because placements are more than 75% and teaching is very good, ranking wise its much ahead to Easwari college for MBA.
Easwari College has however top placements with 90% and brings lot of companies in first week itslef of season. TcS is the highest recruiter. Highest package offered is 15lpa. Average package is 5lpa.
Henece Easwari should be preferred otion.
Easwari College has however top placements with 90% and brings lot of companies in first week itslef of season. TcS is the highest recruiter. Highest package offered is 15lpa. Average package is 5lpa.
Henece Easwari should be preferred otion.

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