Which is the better career ? Engineer or IAS ? Explain the fees to study , starting Salary , highest salary , job security , benefits ?? Pls
Both the career options are equally great.
Being an IAS officer is a very tough job. Lot of effort is required for UPSE preparation. It is said to be the toughest exam of india.
But it is an HONOUR for any indian to serve your country. IAS is a respectful and secure job.
If you are concerned about payscale, then obviously an engineer can make more money than an ias.
The sector also provides you opportunities to work in foreign. Good engineers get paid in crores.
However, decision should be on your interest.
Hope this helps.
Hello ,
this is to inform you that the job security will be more for the IAS as it comes under the government sector.as far as the salary is concernrd the CSE engineers have it.benefits are for the IAS as it comes under the public sector.in engineering you need to be upadated with the information everyday.so its open for you to choose the profession.all the very best for your future.
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