which is the easiest engineering course with better scope?
Hello Aspirant,
Nothing is easy or tough, it depends on your interest & capability. Each branch has its own scope in its field.
Some of the core branches you can prefer:
CSE: It is not only development & coding but also testing and life-time support, which needs CSE engineers in drove. The major chunk of jobs offered in India, every year, are for CS engineers.
ECE: An electronic engineer can find a job in Consumer electronics manufacturing organization , Telecommunication & IT industries, Internet technologies, Power Electronics, and other industries like steel, petroleum and chemical industry.
EEE: Electrical & Electronics engineers can work in wide range of fields such as power generation, electronics, computers & control systems, telecommunication and Bio-Medical.
ME:India always had robust heavy-manufacturing industries like steel, metal, forging, automobile and mining. All these industries require steady inflow of fresh Mechanical engineering graduates.
Civil Engineering: Civil Engineers are usually required in every field some of them:Government Departments, Local Authorities, Civil Engineering Contractor, Civil Engineering Consultants.
Good Luck!
Hello Arun.
Well there is no such engineering stream that is easier or has better scope. The time keeps on changing. There were times when mechanical and civil engineering were in high demand, but now with increase in IT jobs, the computer science and information technology engineering are more preferred now.
As a general idea, the most easiest branch is unpredictable because it depends from person to person, however as per general reviews, there is much scope in computer science and with little knowledge like some programing language, you can get a decent job. In case of other branches such as mechanical, civil, electrical, the placements are getting less, and the skills demanded are quite high. Therefore, these core branches are depleting, and mroe and more people are joining. it is predicted that soon the IT sector will be flodded with unemployed engineers, and then the scope for CSE/IT too will decrease, but as per today scenario, CSE/IT remain to be easiest and most scope branches.
hope this helps
I studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering. According to my point of view Computer Science Engineering has very large scope for jobs and for getting higher salary packages.When compared to other branches CSE,IT,ICT branches are easier because If you choose any of these branches you are not needed to study Physics,Chemistry and in Maths you will study only some logical topics like Probability,Discrete Mathematics,Maths for Cyber Security So,choosing CSE related branches will be very nice.
All the best!!!
Hello dear student,
If you want to excel in any field you do under graduation so that you need to find your interest as taking admission in any of the engineering course will not help you to grow further.there is no such course in engineering where you can just take admission and you feel it's easy. but if you know your interest and if you take admission in that particular course then you might find it easy as the one stream which is easier for the one student might not be the the easiest for another. I hope you understand this
Best wishes