which math book good for defence exam like NDA,CDS?
Your profile suggests that you are in class 12th so you are not eligible for CDS right now.
This is because,
Minimum qualification required for CDS is graduation.
You can check the same at
Best books for MATHS for CDS is given below:-
Books |
Authors |
Quantitative Aptit ude for Compet itive Examina tions |
R. S. Aggarwal |
Mathem atics for CDS Examination |
R. S. Aggarwal |
Pathfinder for CDS
Arihant Experts
For top cds books checkout:- https://competition.careers360.com/articles/best-books-for-cds-exam
Coming to NDA
The top books which you can follow for the preparation of your NDA examination are provided below:-
>>>>>> MATHS for NDA
NDA Mathematics Books |
Author / Publisher |
NCERT Maths - 11 &12th |
Mathematics |
R.S. Aggarwal |
Mathematics for NDA and NA |
S Chand publication |
R.S. Agarwal |
NDA Entrance Exam |
E. S. Ramasamy |
>>>>>> GAT
NDA General Ability Test Book Name |
Author/Publisher |
Science and Technology in India |
Kalpana Rajaram: Spectrum |
Oxford School Atlas |
Oxford |
Social P roblems In India (Indian So ciety – GS1) |
Ram Ahuja |
Objective General English for Competitive Exams |
S.P. Bakshi |
General Knowledge |
Arihant |
General Scien ce Guide for Competit ive Exams – CSAT/ NDA/ CD S/ Railwa ys/ SSC/ UPS C/ State PSC/ Defen ce |
Disha |
History Of Mode rn India |
Bipan Chandra |
For more about books for nda visit :- https://competition.careers360.com/articles/best-books-prepare-for-nda
To help you further,
Here are the tips you should follow to prepare well for nda:-
--------------------------) First of all know the syllabus and examination pattern.
Syllabus:- https://competition.careers360.com/articles/nda-syllabus
Examination pattern:-
Papers |
Subject |
No. of Questions |
Maximum marks |
Duration |
Paper 1 |
Mathematics |
120 |
300 |
2 hours 30 minutes |
Paper 2 |
150 |
600 |
2 hours 30 minutes |
Total |
900 |
5 hours |
NDA Examination pattern for Maths
Total Questions |
120 |
Total Marks |
300 |
Marks allotted to each question |
2.5 |
Negative marking for each incorrect response |
-0.83 |
NDA examination pattern for General Ability Test
Sections |
Maximum marks |
Part A - English |
200 |
Part B - General Knowledge |
Physics |
100 |
Chemistry |
60 |
General Science |
40 |
History, Freedom Movement, etc. |
80 |
Geography |
80 |
Current Events |
40 |
Total |
600 |
------------------------) Practice questions:- after finishing each chapter you should practice mcqs in case of both Maths & GAT
------------------------) Short breaks :- take short breaks in between your studies, studying continuously can be brain tiring and it becomes difficult to focus and study with concentration, so take breaks to relax and refresh your brain.
------------------------) Make short notes:- You should make chapterwise short notes .These short notes will be a great revision tool for your examination.
------------------------) Set goals :- set daily & weekly goals to cover your syllabus and meet them without any fail.
------------------------) Follow a routine or timetable :- you can make a routine and religiously follow it and try to give at least 7- 8 hours to study each day in your routine.
------------------------) Revise:- Revision is very important otherwise as you move forward in your syllabus, you start forgetting what you have learned before and you won't be able to perform well in your examination.
------------------------) Solve previous year NDA question papers and attempt mock test :- Solving previous year and mock NDA questions papers will let you know the examination pattern, your preparation level etc and it will be of great help to you . For nda previous year papers checkout our page at:- at https://competition.careers360.com/articles/nda-question-papers/amp
For more tips checkout:- https://competition.careers360.com/articles/how-to-prepare-for-nda
Thank you