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There is no right or wrong specialization. It all depends on your interest.
Hii Vishnu
Nowadays every field of MBA holds equal weightage in market demand. Some of well established specialisation are HR, Marketing, Finance. Apart from these MBA in IT, data science, operations are emerging with high demand. Lean management,six sigma management etc certification along with operation will give you an edge over others.
And also there is a trend of major and minor wherein you can select two core courses. Because this shows overall development.
Good luck for your career ahead.
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MBA as a whole has a huge scope in future as well as at present.
But fields like finance, marketing, operations hold a major scope. Now looking at all the new products that are coming into the market, marketing becomes essential for all the companies. Also, operations will always remain at a par since all the logistical operations are important.
Finance is an evergreen field in MBA, it has the most demand in the market
Your choice of the field should depend on your interest in the field so that you can excel in it.
All the best
Hello Vishnu,
In MBA , choose what you think you are best in,go accordingly. Don't do by seeing what othersare opting as there specialisation.
In MBA, there's scope for each and every specialisation. Scope is Created, Its not there.
So, I would suggest think in which field you are best and choose that.
Most popular amongst are Marketing, Finance, Operation, HR , major 4 domains.
Hope it clears your doubts. All the best
Hey Vishnu!
I believe there is scope in every field, you will rise to the top. When and only when you have a personal interest towards that course. Currently, the scope is increasing in the marketing domain specifically in FMCG companies, that's where AI can't take the hold off. It's more creative and target oriented. And, as expected by Economic Times, job opportunities and pay scale are going to increase in this domain in the coming future.
Best wishes for your future.
Hi Vishnu ,
I am assuming that by scope you meant growth opportunities. If that is the case then you can considering Finance , Marketing and Consulting as your options. I cannot conclude that the other specializations like HR and IT are bad but comparatively you have less growth opportunities i.e your career roadmap might be slower in these.
All the specialisations have good scope. Based on your profile and interest, you can choose which specialisation to pursue. Generally, companies look for candidates who fit for their profile. Sometimes, certain B-Schools are known for certain specialisations. It is just that more companies from that vertical might come to recruit students. But in general, all domains have equally good scope.
Allthe branches of MBA have good scope from the job's perspective.Finance and Marketing are two of the popular streams in MBA.Specialisation should be selected based upon a person's interest,and not the future prospect.If you are interested in a field,then you should choose that field only.Ample job opportunities are present in all the fields.
Dear Vishnu,
All the various specializations in MBA have their respective scope and carrer opportunities. It completely depends upon your own interests.
GOing by the general trend MBA in the field of analytics and finance have a better initial paying scales. But this cannot be generalized. It all depends upon the candidate and the skills in the field.
Hii Vishnu Jith
You should first go through CAT,GMAT or GRE exams and many others too whichever you prefer, this should be your first step. Second according to your score you will have to decide which college and specialisation need to be opt. Here you need not to worry much even if you are in dilemma.
Because the best thing about B colleges is that their subjects , teaching methodologies all are aligned with market or industry demand. They will make you industry ready.
But from my experience marketing, Finance and HR are in trend till now. Nowadays operations and management in IT is also emerging due to high market demand. And learning data science too can add value in your MBA course.
My personal opinion is that if you are sure to pursue management for your long-term career, it should align with your personal interest. I suggest you spend some time with yourself and identify your strengths and choices to choose a specialisation. Do not worry about the scope and demand at this point of time.
Good Luck.
Hi Vishnu,
Well to start with, MBA itself is a high demand degree in India as well as abroad. Chosing a stream should not only depend upon the demand, but it should depend upon your interest.
But to ans MBA in finance, MBA in Marketing, International Business, MBA in operations are as of nownin demand in the market.
Market being an unpredictable place may change. But overall MBAs are at profit.
MBA in Marketing Finance HR Operations Analytics Sports telecom management alot of specialisations have scope now. The main thing to keep in consideration is the type of college that you do it from. Even general management from an IIM has value and future scope and even a better ROI.
It all depends upon whats your interest.. There's nothing as such specialisation all depends upon how you think about that ...
Main components or core are Finance / Marketing / Operations have scope equally depending upon college.
Do what you think..scope will b generated automatically
Hope it clears your doubt. All the best
I would suggest not to go for scope but select the one in which you are interested in. You will be doing the work in same field after MBA, and if you are not interested in the same it would be difficult to give your best. Consider MBA as a long term goal, not just based on current scope.
Scope keeps on changing but if you have interest in a field then scope will never bother you. You will always be able to give your best whatever market scenario will it be.
All the Best.
Hi Vishnu Jith,
HR specialization in MBA have the most scope now. Beacause there are no organizations without employees and therefore HR executives are required in every organizations. So is the case for every other specializations like Finance, Marketing, Operations etc. Data Analytics is a growing field and there is a demand for management executives who are familiar with Big Data and the like. IIM Calcutta is giving a PGDBA (Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics) partnering with IIT Roorkee and ISI Kolkata.
In my opinion I would advice you to pick a specialization after getting an overall feel for the different subjects that you would come across in your studies rather than going for a specialization looking at its scope only,
All the best.
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