Question : Which of the below mentioned approches are a part of Motivational Technique?
(A) Facilitation Approach
(B) Cognitive Approach
(C) Pedagogical Approach
(D) Corporate Approach
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
Option 1: (A) and (D) only
Option 2: (C) and (B) only
Option 3: (A), (B) and (C) only
Option 4: (A) and (B) only
Correct Answer:
(A), (B) and (C) only
Solution :
A.Facilitation Approach: Helping/making it easy for students by facilitate them give them to learn together in a group, or to achieve something together as a group
B.Cognitive Approach: According to this theory, our behaviours are not merely automatic responses driven by innate mechanisms or preprogrammed rules. Instead, they result from deliberate thought processes.
C.Pedagogical Approach: Teaching coaching pedagogies used in sports training is largely responsible in guiding and maintaining the desired behaviour. In this approach teachers and coaches focuses on enhancing students’ motivation and engagement in learning.