Which of the best government MBA (Hotel Management) college And tell me about entrance exam
Hello Veerandra,
The top institute for Hotel Management in India is Institute of Hotel Management, Catering, and Nutrition, Pusa Delhi. IHM Lucknow is also a highly rated hotel management institute. You can also apply for IHM Meerut.
Courses offered:
M.Sc in Dietetics & Food Service Management
M.Sc. in Hospitality Administration
There are also Craftsmanship Courses in Food Production and Food and Beverage services.
Entrance Exam
The entrance exam for all the above institutes is NCHM JEE. For this year the exam was held on April 28th. You can sit for the exam next year.
The NCHM JEE is an offline exam. The duration of the exam is three hours and the total marks are 200. The questions are objective type. The exam pattern and marks break up is as follows:
General Knowledge & Current Affairs: 30
English Language: 60
Numerical Ability & Scientific Aptitude: 30
Reasoning % Logical Aptitude: 30
Aptitude for Service Sector: 50
*I suggest that since the English Language has the highest marks, you should make it your strong area, without losing focus on others.
** NCHM JEE is a bilingual entrance examination; all the parts will be in Hindi as well as English, except the English Language.
Marking Scheme
One mark will be given for every right answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
Under Aptitude for Service sector graded marks will be awarded; The most appropriate response will get one mark, the second most appropriate response will get you 0.75 marks, the third appropriate response will get you 0.50 marks and a wrong answer will result in a deduction of 0.25 marks.
Also, keep checking the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology for any updates.
Hope this helps and all the best !