Question : Which of the following does not serve as a source of human capital transformation? A: The cost of constructing factories and equipment B: Expenditure for migrating elsewhere looking for better employment opportunities C: Investing in on-the-job training to boost productivity
Option 1: Only A is correct
Option 2: Only B and C are correct
Option 3: Only c is correct
Option 4: All are correct
Correct Answer: Only A is correct
Solution : Sources of the formation of human capital are health, migration, on-the-job training, and information is recognized as education investment. The cost of constructing factories and equipment is a creation of assets. Hence option a is the correct answer.
Question : Which of the following are the elements of economic development? A: Physical capital B: Human capital C: Technology
Question : The cross-price elasticity of demand is used to determine whether:- a: Product is an inferior or normal good b: A product is a necessity or a luxury c: Two products are substitutes or complements
Question : Which of the following describes the issue with the development of human capital? A: One of India's biggest issues with human capital production is the country's growing population. B: One of India's biggest issues with human capital building is brain
Question : Which of the following is the assumption of the law of demand? A: The commodity's price should not change. B: The quantity requested should not change. C: Substitute prices should not change.
Question : Because of the following, an individual demand curve slopes downward to the right: A: The application of the law of diminishing marginal utility B: The substitution effect of a price decrease C: Income impact of price decrease
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