Which one ha better placement- btech in CSE 4 years or btech + mtech integrated 5 years in CSE or separate btech 4yrs + mtech 2 yrs in CSE?
Hi Haree, Thanks for contacting careers360
Both the options are good, it depends on what do you and how do you want to pursue.
In the end, it is your skill that matters.
In case of any more queries, feel free to ask.
Hello Haree
I will clear your doubt.
First of all, now a days its not matter that you have done M-Tech in CSE or just B-Tech in CSE if you have knowledge then any company will hire you if you have done onlyBtech not M tech
Now a days Comapny wants that his employee should be Multitasking i.e he knows many programming languages which will help company .They just search for talent they dont see how much marks or what percentile you got in your engineering.
They will look for your talent in interview or if you crack their interview than hope you can earn more than an M- tech engineer earns.
so please be focused and study hard and try to learn new new things and programming languages.
I hope you get my point.
Good Luck for your bright future.
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