Which type question asked in b.arch entrence test(drawing)...
Dear student
there are 2 questions each of 35 marks for drawing test (part 3).
Drawing and designing of geometrical or abstract shapesand patterns in pencil, Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union,Elevations and 3 D views of objects Rotation, Development of surfaces andvolumes, Generation of Plan, Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shapesand forms, Sketching of activities from memory of urban scenes (public space,festivals, market, street scenes, recreational spaces monuments, etc.),landscape (gardens, trees, river fronts, jungles, plants etc.) and rural life
hope this helps
All the Best !!!
Actually 3questions for drawing.. .
One for 30mark and the rest of two questions 20mark each.. .
Never provide wrong information.. .