Why cutoff for jamia millia islamia gone very low last year??
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Answer (1)
Hello Nilesh,
Cutoffs varies for a college for various reasons.
It depends upon the total number of candidate apply for seat availability.
Total number of candidate apply for that college.
It depends upon the department performance and other factors.
It varies with category and departments cutoff.
We can say anything specific about why cutoff gone low or high about any college, institutions.
If you have any questions remain than comment below.
Good luck...
Cutoffs varies for a college for various reasons.
It depends upon the total number of candidate apply for seat availability.
Total number of candidate apply for that college.
It depends upon the department performance and other factors.
It varies with category and departments cutoff.
We can say anything specific about why cutoff gone low or high about any college, institutions.
If you have any questions remain than comment below.
Good luck...
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