why my marks decrease from 90 to 89 in comedk 2022 final answer key which is just released and which college cse or IT i can expect if my shift is 1
Hello ,
Let me tell you that kindly check the answers from the final answer sheet once so that you can be sure of it. If it still remains same then it would mean that there is one change in the final answer key.
As far as your marks is concerned let me tell you that your rank would be somewhat between 10-15k and not more than that.
Suppose if you have got this rank in your comedk and if you are aiming for cse /IT branch then i would suggest you that don't go for the top colleges like M.S Ramaiah, BMS College, RV College of engineering, computer science and engineering. You should instead go for colleges CMR institute of technology, REVA University, The Oxford college of engineering, AMC engineering college.